Bronze Partner Benefits...
£1000 a year
These are the ways Spectrum will expand help build your brand, grow your outreach and enhance your public image ...
Ability to use Spectrum as part of your marketing- subject to GDPR and photo/video permissions
Hard copy leaflet/poster given out to parents/carers at our weekly clubs
Mentioned in our annual showcase programme on the dedicated sponsor page
Name and logo included in the thank you slide projected during the interval of our annual showcase
Opportunity to have a stall/info stand/representative at our birthday party
Thank you video sent from the Spectrum team and participants for you to share as part of your marketing campaigns
X2 free tickets to any fundraiser events and showcase we run
Your business name mentioned at the bottom of our email signatures
Mentioned at the bottom of every termly newsletter
Name on our website on the dedicated sponsor page
One-off thank you post on our socials