About the session...

Mini Sensory Movers is a fun, relaxed movement club where the children explore different types of music and props such as ribbons, shakey eggs and of course the parachute!
Mini Sensory Movers is a safe space where dancers can unapologetically be themselves without judgment!
The playlist and props stay the same for each half-term’s theme and each song has an accompanying prop. Expect high energy, lots of noise (we do have ear defenders in the classes), a chance for the dancers (and parents/carers) to make friends and a whole heap of fun!
This club is aimed at those with a higher level of support needs and is fantastic for sensory seekers!
Although the session is structured it is purposefully relaxed in a way that the dancers can choose not to copy the routines and can follow their own instincts to activate their senses, explore, move and grow!

- Parent of Current Performer
Thanks for all your help with [my child]. Its lovely to take him to something where he can just be himself!

What makes this class accessible?
Visual Timetable to support transitions
Visuals used to support communication and themes/topics
Makaton to support communication and processing of instructions
Sensory bag is available to support self-regulation
Ear defenders available for dancers to borrow
Class capped at 10 dancers to reduce the overwhelm
Higher ratio of volunteers in the class to provide 1:1 support/engagement where possible
No pressure to follow or learn routines – just follow along when they’re ready
All stimming is welcomed and accepted

Singing is used intermittently to add transitions in the session
Use of different sensory props and costumes to help bring themes to life and engage/regulate the senses in different ways
Lots of tapping, brushing and squeezing in the dance moves to help stimulate and regulate the proprioceptive sense.
What to expect in a typical Mini Sensory Movers Session?

Free-flow Prop Exploration
This time allows the dancers to enter the room and explore in the way they need to in that moment
A lot of our dancers run around, or stim in this time as we settle into the space

Hello Song
An opportunity for everyone to feel welcome, seen and important
Signals the class has begun
Introduces our theme

Lots of tapping, brushing and squeezing to really ‘wake up’ our bodies and help our dancers feel where their bodies are in space

Sensory Dances
Main bulk of the session is filled with different dances
Each dance has a different sensory prop such as shakey eggs, coloured scarves, parachute, light up gloves, costumes etc
We have a short break to have a quick drink in the middle
Special Activity

Cool Down
A calming down dance sat down
We use a water mist at the beginning to signify being ‘cool’

Goodbye Song
Signals the end of the session